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law of diminishing return中文是什么意思

用"law of diminishing return"造句"law of diminishing return"怎么读"law of diminishing return" in a sentence


  • 报酬递减规律;报酬递减法则
  • 报酬递减率
  • 返回缩减律
  • 收益递减规律
  • 土地报酬递减律


  • This process is never completed, but it disobeys the law of diminishing returns .
  • Law of diminishing return
  • If there is a law of diminishing returns , it doesn ' t seem anyone in advertising is aware
  • There is a law of diminishing returns that becomes operative in old age , i find
  • Some times we are tempted to plan a lot of things and after some time the law of diminishing returns operates
  • One problem , as the producers of the rocky series know only too well , is that sequels are subject to the laws of diminishing returns
  • Meguiar ' s waxes can be layered , but two things must be tended to when layering waxes . 1 ) you must use the right waxes ( " layerable " waxes ) , and 2 ) you must recognize that at some point , " the law of diminishing returns " takes effect
    美光的车蜡可以分层,但是有两件事必须要做的是当蜡时: 1 )你必须使用正确的蜡(分层蜡) 2 )在一定程度上, “收益递减”是有效的。
  • Of course the law of diminishing returns states that you will not create exponentially greater layers of protection with each application , but meguiar ' s knows that a second , and sometimes third application will insure uniform , thorough coverage over the majority of the surface , thus maximizing the protection
用"law of diminishing return"造句  
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